4 Commenti

Mi lascia perplesso. Sembra che ci sia un rifiuto di capire che la sfiducia dei mercati sia proprio dovuta alla priorità che viene data all’ideologia e al controllo del partito. O forse lo capiscono ma non gli frega nulla. Vedremo se hanno ragione, per ora si sono fatti molto male.

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eh sono perplesso pure io, unica attenuante voglio vedere se poi nella pratica ci sarà qualcosa di più utile a riportare investimenti e soprattutto fiducia nei confronti della cina che al momento mi pare proprio non ci sia (anche da pareri diciamo di operatori internazionali che nella Cina avevano creduto)

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En 𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺 dile que te envié 📤

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My Delayed comment (apologyse): after reading many time your comments as the report of the Plenum and the official note I consider it as a third most important decision in the history of PROC after Mao’s disgracing “Cultural Revolution” and Deng’s “New reforms”. My impression is that At the base of this decision it seems there is the convincement that China’s economy has reached the top of its potential and due many factors it has no more chance to grow. Actual data confirm this ipothesys. The risk is an enpoorishment of the population that bring them to protest against the government. And this is a big scare for any Chinese government.

Turning back to the decision of the Plenum: XI took a courageous decision, deciding to move China toward a unpredictable (maybe good future) respect a very predictable (bad) future in case he didn’t change the challenge. And he did in the Chinese way to act: preparing the base of the changement coming for education and scholarship. Of course he has emphasize the role of the CCP as central role also in the new era and of course he ask for unity and resiliency of the population, considering that the transition to the new future could long and full of hard time. This is also a warning to Chinese people and an advise that they will not accept anyone running against these decisions.

It is like Toyota that didn’t accept to compete in EV market because they are working to an hydrogen engine solution. In the meantime they are loosing sales but they are working for the future, where they will arrive before any other car makers.

My major doubt is related to the positioning of China in the international landscape. It is sure that the “limitless friendship “ with Russia that now has downgraded to “strategic partnership” is dangerous and has created a global sense of disappreciation against China and Chinese people. China cannot broke the relationship with western world that are much more important (under economic aspect ) than Russia. And it is clear that if China is reducing industrial production they do not need anymore gas and oil from Russia. This has been a very disgraceful decision that is not get easy this complicated moment. I don’t know if they will turn the face returning to a fierce face-to-face competition.

Sorry for my long comment . It always a pleasure follow you in your comment about China.


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